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  • (Quote)
    But that's assuming you know about the Seamoth fragments either A) Ahead of time or B) You're dilligent in…
  • (Quote)
    Wat? I've always found the Sealide to be very useful. How, exactly, is it considered bad?

  • (Quote)
    In all my years of diving... I never once saw someone eat or drink underwater. Never even considered how it could be possible. Though the drinking makes sense in terms of ease... eating not so much, heh.

    But then, I per…
  • (Quote)
    Jellyfishcrabthingie sounds so much better, though.

    But I tend to be really anal about survival games. XD Once I have food/water/whatever survival resource on a self-sufficient basis I pretty much try to explore every p…
  • I made mine years ago back in early highschool. I was writing a series of short stories in a steampunk style world where magic and technology were conflicting with each other. The main character was named Khet Maxwell. It's also the name I used for …
  • So, I've gotten a few more hours into the game and just wanted to give an update on how things (mostly my brain) stand! Not that I'm implying my brain is capable of standing on its own. Though I'd be pretty impressed if it could.

    First t…
  • (Quote)
    Sorry I think I was a bit overdramatic in my post. I think I was trying (and failing) to talk about resource availability vs use. Maybe it's the fact there really isn't that much to build, or resources are too common. Lithium for e…