Interesting theory!
I couldn't even scan the biterfish
When you have seen the second face, it can't be unseen -
Im sure that this has been said alot already but, there is so many tools in my mind that could non-lethally defend me from a reaper or even bigger fish. Thats why, in my opinion we will not need any lethal weaponry.
Voidaan varmaan myös auttaa tuossa ruotsalaisessa käänöksessä
. Niillä ei kovin paljoa käännöksiä ole ja kun kerran kaikki me…
The devs NEED to see this. I absolutely love this idea. It would make the game much longer for most people. Also it would keep many playing until they get every creature and plant examined.
This game really needs to re-organize some things.
Firstly, we should have seamoth unlocked right off the start, and instead have Cyclops fragments. This easy change makes it so, that new players will see a small cheap sub in their constructor… -
They are probably something that is going to be implemented sooner or later. There is probably going to be one for each biome too.
I know that feel bro! I always imagine sharks coming after me, even at swiming pools. I went diving once in thailands open sea, and trust me it was terrifyi… -
Reino? xD. Kun meillä tän verran luovia ihmisiä on, ehkä ne otuksetkin suomeksi muutuu. Rakentaja kuulostaa hyvältä mutta ajoneuvo- ja esinevalmistaja ei kuulosta omasta mielestäni hyvältä. Pitäisi jostain saada lisää suomalaisia katsomaan näiden ra…
Laitteiden suomentaminen olisi järkevää mutta ehkä otukset pitäisi jättää ennalleen.
Vaikein on kyllä tämä Constructor, Fabricator ja Builder combo. Hardcore ja Freedomin voisi jättää ennalleen. Maanmuovaaja, Merkkaaja, Sähkökapseli, Propulsiot… -
Just bumping this up.
Also if you are a finnish and have some free time, then please help us whit the finnish translation. We got most of the translation figured out, but there are somethings that we cant decide. -
This would be one hell of a easter egg!
I would absolutely love to see small-medium predators, to be faster than you. This would mke avoiding them critical and gives room for non lethal tools that will help you escape.
If they make things like stalkers faster than you (which would be way more realistic and scary) then yes, something that can scare the predators away would be nice. Even long stick could buy you some time.
We absolutely need a mechanical arm that you can attach to your seamoth. This arm gives you the ability to grab things when you are inside your seamoth. Cyclops could use one too. I know alot of people annoyed by the fact, that you need to get out o…
I actually found even spookier place. I was just driving around whit my seamoth at the grassy plateus to get some silver and gold, when i noticed a cave. There was stingers in front of it and behind it was a spiders net like background. There…
Making it defensive (if you swim too close or attack it, it would become hostile), would make most sense.
As you may have read from the "what did you name your cyclops" thread my first, S.S Scrubmarine sunk. I was just going around little bit more than 100m depht whit my Scrubmarine. There was alot of floaters floating whit rocks above me, when i went t…
-The Guardian-
Last one of its kind, The guardian would spawn in a biome whitch has huge bones and skulls along the ocean floor. The guardian is, like its name suggests guarding the remains of its parents. The guardian would be bigger than the… -
I cant be the only one who finds this bug extremely scary? Right? Anyone ._.
I love the idea of gathering data and doing recearch on the animals. We should definately have some tools for this and a wiki kinda log.
Nice idea! But next time use a little bit of time to look, if there is a thread for this kinda thing (There is atleast 2 threads for creature ideas...)
Yea its pretty hard to not do any spelling mistakes, even in your native language. Yea Pekka-kala was from meI would like the ship to come and rescue you, but it would be like the ending of minecraft. You finish the game and the credits start rolling. Then you can click a button to get back to where you finished or just think that you won and leave.Multiplayer? Really guys? The game has 3-4 hours of gameplay, and then you run out of stuff to find/see/make/do. New biomes and new lifeforms seem the best ideas for me. Also bug fixing and enchancing of the base system are very important too. Story…Im against lethal weapons but, weapons that could scare or wound the beasts so they run off, seem fine.Again while translating the game to finnish, i found items Large/Big air tank and plasteel air tank. Hopefully they will add them soon.I would like to have my H.M.S Scrubmarine II to be fully decorated cuz it is the only place that i actually use alot.Oh yeah!
Cant wait to spawn a megalodons right at my friends faces if this and multiplayer comes out