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  • same problem since the latest update --> see attachment

  • I think at this time stab is useless.
    I am not the best fade player. I spent the most time with the other lifeforms. But the fact that you are not able to blink AND jump makes me never using this ability. (And I also almost never see other peo…
  • I think ns2large delivers the opportunity to rookies to have fun with the game. As somebody mentioned before, on regular (non only rookie servers) rookies start to move alone as marine, get trapped by sneaky skulks and will die again and again. As s…
  • Hello, I just found a bug, where you can get out of the map. The pipes at the wall of the upper part of the dome (left from C12) seem to have no collision. As a skulk and probably as lerk, fade or jp you can easily go throught and hide yourself outs…
  • Damn, I missed the plushie campaign... next time lerk plushies?^^ ... I would take part.
  • I think the problem is that everyone can join rookie-servers. I often realize that the server skill difference between a rookie friendly server and a non-rookie server is quite similar (Because skilled people joining rookie servers).
    A handica…
  • @Mr_Chainsaw: I also heared that GeForce user have the same issue. Maybe it is a software problem (C++, Net. Framework, etc... -> I don't know if these programs…
  • Got the same problem with my ATI HD7850 and the latest driver since the last 267 build. Sometimes the debugger with "minidump" and "log.txt" error appears. I read in another post that build 268 will fix the issue. When can we expect the new build?