I think the "Terms of Use" of the Workshop changed and if the creator of the file did not accept the new conditions files are removed.
Can you do this for other maps
Refinery : post earthquake version
(Quote) You wrote a wrong path in your shortcut. This sign is very important, be careful : " (notice you get the error when there is a space in your shortcut, you probably forgot one ")
Here is my shortcut with working hotloading for … -
You should use an admin mod like DAK or Shine, both of them have included MOTD support.
An effect like the lerk poison ? You should take a look at GUIPoisonedFeedback.lua it's called by marine_client.lua with this code :
local function UpdatePoisonedEffect(self) …
Any updates on this ?
Thank you for the information, I screwed up my bindings with an older version of your mod:D
Gj with commander bindings -
(Quote) When you don't have this available for 1 push. Example : taking down nano from west a east junction (in veil)
No console command but kRagdollDuration = 6 in Natural Selection 2\ns2\lua\Ragdoll.lua
For the friction layer, you can probably use ExtraEntitiesMod and the logic functions.… -
So far I noticed change in the way you cyst the map.
I'm pretty sure only one map will be added with the content patch (UWE have limited resources).
I'll try to say what I think as a French player (sorry for bad English).
-> Not a good idea imo, when you heard of biodiversity, it's always some politician/ecologist discussion that came to my mind so that's not th… -
Exosuit :
When you change the track it's only for you or everyone in the server ?
One day with low player count on the servers, UWE folks made a black ritual to call back the soul of gamers who played NS1 and force them to play NS2.
They used a Necronomicon that was hidden in the countryside of Australia by wise men ages ag… -
(Quote) That happened to me when I was in cafeteria, in the hallway to central access, I send a gorge babbler ball on the extractor (the ball hit the extractor over the fences) then the babbler freezed at the bottom of the fences.
An … -
I usually see this when I spawn after spectating (while dead) a flamethrower or a dying exo.
I guess you can Hook into the sprinting function in SprintMixin.lua
Maybe hook into : function SprintMixin:UpdateSprintingState(input) and return someting like : self.sprintMode = false
I'm not very comfortable with l… -
-> The skulk is supposed to be a punishment.
For who is it supposed to be a punishment ?
I'm sure it was NOT designed to be a punishment, when you lose your advanced life form you don't enjoy a game that "punish" you for 10 min with a… -
Even better than female marine
In marine.lua
" self:UpdateSprintingState(input)"
" modelMixin:SetAnimationInput("move", "sprint")"
I've not tested but these 2 lines should help (try to comment them to see what happens) -
NS2 is the last program that makes me keep windows on my computer, can't wait for a linux version
1) Happens a lot, is known and devs have a hard time fixing it because it's hard to reproduce.
For the third bug I guess it's known since it was in the balance test mod even between build 250. -
Official UWE servers no longer exist anywhere, they stopped them for some reason (enough community servers imo)
Servers with reserved slot have some weird max slot numbers, they are easy to spot (ex: 23 slots, 17 slots,...)
(Quote) This bug is in vanilla ns2 too I think, it was in balance mod before b250
Deactivate steam cloud and delete C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<some numbers>*\4920\remote\options.xml
Relaunch ns2
If this does not work you may have some option in your graphic card control panel that cause a…