NS2 Linux was part of why I finally left Windows behind. I'm hopeful I can play it under Proton at some point, but this is definitely sad news for me.
For a start, I envision NS3 with larger scale conflicts involving multiple vehicles and similarly sized lifeforms.
I'd imagine 48 players or more. The current tech point concept would become a mobile unit for each team with a comm/operat… -
I think changing around cysts/power nodes to be more ancillary in function would be positive (or potentially eliminating them almost entirely). When the original discussions of territory control and atmosphere/lighting were discussed ages ago, I re…
I'm certainly interested in this little box.
I really hope some of the team have been doing some diving/snorkeling recently, or maybe plan to soon. It would also be useful to go to different types of beaches/oceans to get a feel for the various conditions and environs that exist.
O… -
I think he means Obs/Scan will reveal cloaked lifeforms visually to players, but not make lifeforms visible on the minimap unless player/entity Line-of-Sight is in affect. This would allow aliens to subvert marine reliance on Obs/S… -
There should be 'spreadable' Ink-like ability on the Shade Drifter. This would be like Umbra against scan/obs. It would not obscure vision anymore than enzyme or mucous. It would allow alien team coordination to counter the obs/scan for a short dur…
This seems like an ideal option. Allow IP spawning at a reduced rate when power is cut. The limit of 1 IP at +50% respawn time sounds pretty reasonable. This would make cutting the power less of an instant win. You would still need… -
It is my understanding from practicing wall-jumps, that holding ctrl allows for the preservation of momentum. If you don't hold it, your speed gets reset back to base speed fairly often. That's been my experience.
It's the secret to why NS2 is so CPU-intensive. Every LUA loop has hidden bit-coin mining code that helps pay for the endless development of NS2. That's why they keep having the sales and free weekends, the influx of new players pays big :P
Having the last commander really pays off in this round.
NS2 : Emergence
It would signify the growth of the community and the new found performance and balance enhanc… -
You would only lose 1 tier of weapons and armor with the loss of the armslab. It's really only chipping away at the marine tech. A marine team could recover pretty quickly. If they are turtled up with 1 extractor, it would be a more serious blow. At…
I like the idea of the armslab being a more valuable target and the upgrades being tied to comm chairs. My version would be to unlock upgrade slots on the arms lab when a comm chair is built. It would start with 3 slots available, with cost being th…
I also found Onos Bone Shield ability in here. It will be interesting to see if that makes it into the official build. Onos could act as a slow-moving screen for bile-bombing gorges. I'd imagine a bone-shield Onos with Umbra and some gorge heals cou…
@RabidWeasel - I'm glad they made the blink changes to eliminate the odd downward blink glitch. Movements speed over 20 is probably too fast for the current netcod…
So B251 appears to have auto cyst chain placement. I also noticed difficulty getting speeds over ~17 with fade. Didn't investigate marine changes yet.
276.2 MB initiated at 2:29 PM CST
what could it be? -
Thanks for that video. I had a very tinted view of how China functioned. This TEDtalk seems to provide some counter-point that it very valuabl… -
The BUS is going to become the BAS! Big Unannounced System >> Big Announced System!
I'm guessing this will be some type of match-making sort of thing. Maybe with player skill/experience tiers?
Can't wait to see what it … -
Thanks for the info. I'll have to play around with it a bit to see what I can achieve using it. It seems that onos movement could stand to be improved in some manner - bone shield sounds like a interesting option to explore. It certainly needs somet…
What does Charge do? How does it work? What purpose does it serve? It just seems to make you slow down for a few seconds, which seems like the opposite of a charge.
What does the Shift key do when you are Onos? Anybody know what this does?
I think 250 and the influx of new players have certainly caused some diminished alien play. Aliens need teamplay to succeed, much like the marines. The difference is that alien teamplay is much more fluid compared to the very structured teamplay of …
If you are waiting on the GPU, that means you are getting the optimal performance of your GPU. When you have to wait on the CPU (game code/physics/etc) before the GPU can push the frame to your screen, you have lots of factors affecting your overall…
UWE paid them OFF for this - with OUR MONEY!!!
Awesome to see some recognition for NS2! -
@locklear - Looks like your graph is broken. shows a peak over 2k concurrent players this weekend. That might even be a bit lower than actual as well.
@Hugh : These posts are great! I think it is definitely worth the time to have one each month. I don't get to play as often as I'd like due to a busy schedule, but it's n…
Really pleased to see UWE take this short side-projects jam to encourage further community modding. Can't wait to play with results.