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  • (Quote) Maybe you're right but I believe this is the exact reason this thread exists: how to prevent quitting the game.

    I won't comment the latter part of your post as I already explained 3 times in a row it's not my intention to make…
  • (Quote) I've got like 350 hours in since 2013 but yeah, I don't play like everyday. I come back from time to time (like now) and keep finding it you... well, you can't be bad to enjoy ns2 properly. Like if you're bad, you die. You die, you meet y…
  • (Quote) When I say it lacks fun I don't say you don't enjoy it. I say it lacks fun for so many people there aren't many left to play the game. If I wasn't right, there wouldn't a thread to discuss if game is going to die or not. And please, don't…
  • (Quote) Nah, you just understood it the way you wanted so you could write your 'you made the game terrible' comment as I didn't mention anything about balance and so on. The same about other people commenting here.

    Kasharic, is being …
  • (Quote) You're totally, and I mean so totally I'd need to visit a dictionary to find a proper word, wrong. Vets are so powerful as they already know how to use their weapon of choice and because of that, stay alive. Newbies CANNOT learn how to us…
  • Do you know Tremulous? It was a great game back then, when games were more about fun than graphics. It died a few years ago, after about 7? 8? years after release. Even now there are some people playing it and a few active servers but they pale in c…
  • (Quote) I never used it in any other way. The previous one was comfortable for eyes. The current one is not. They should make it less bright I believe.
  • (Quote) Do you read what I write about my fps issue? I HAD 30 - 40 fps, no matter what happened on the screen. Then the patch THAT DID NOT DO ANYTHING WITH PERFORMANCE happened. If my notebook COULD handle NS2 before this patch and there were man…
  • (Quote) I think you don't understande. My notebook could handle NS2 before patch that didn't do anything with performance with 30 - 40 fps. After patch that didn't do anything with performance, it can't. I also read that there were many players w…
  • I checked it up. Physx is chosen automatically by aplication and there's no such an option like "do not show information in the game" or something. NS2 is the only game that informs me about its choice. I don't know why but it has to be its fault, n…
  • (Quote) Do you have a specific solution for each PC configuration? No. I ask if there is a general solution for "good fps before patch -> bad fps after patch". Especially when we realize that this patch didn't do anything with performance.