Every time I see someone with a flamethrower as a Skulk, I simply parasite them to death and keep my distance. FTs are useless.
What are you talking about? Not a single post in this thread had anything to do with comp play or elitism. They've all been discussing viable pub strata and why some don't work.
I didn't even realize... I guess I've had music disabled for a while.
Not sure if this has been mentioned but I've been having an issue when I try to open the Options menu. After opening it the menu screen reloads, and I can click Options again to open it but the Options window stays stucked after that. I can't hit Ap…
Even though it's only 50 tickets, I'm really glad the event is about to sell out. I wish you all the best, I'll be watching from my warm and cozy home in Florida.
The date announcement pretty much killed the whole event for me. I know I won't be playing in it because of it, and I probably won't be able to even find time to watch the matches
in NS2WC Rules Released, Open for Comment Comment by semihandy November 2013
Thanks for posting this rantology! The mod is now running on our clan server ( flowbar), please feel free to use our server for scrims/PCWs to test the balance changes. I will be disabling this Sat/Sun for the custom map cup, …
I read an article recently that I can't find now, but it gave a really useful suggestion. To figure out what sensitivity you should use, practice aiming at a still object and strafing. This can be a corner, or a far away object. I just used the litt…
I'm pretty sure they've said that this is being worked on. Let's hope it comes with the next update
derWalter, and you got an answer here? There's definitely a lack of teams, but hopefully that will get better.
@Locklear, such a troll.
This is awesome, I appreciate anyone that is helping new teams kick things off. Way to go!
@Mendasp is there a reason why the NSL version couldn't end up being the official? Higher performance would be appreciated in all circles. They seem pretty much the sa…
i_sensitivity in console
We just had our first game in #ns2.gather. It was great! I wanted to take the time to thank oma and sadisti for helping and supporting #ns2.gather, and promoting it as much as they could. Also, I wanted to thank jukkan for all of the work on the gat…
In Steam, go to Library, click Natural Selection, click "Browse Workshop". -
Yeah, it'd be nice to have. I just ended up creating a game and adjusting the settings from there.
Sounds like every pub, ever.
@Skuggan that would be great, but I don't have any connections to get a thread stickied.
bind F1 j1
bind F2 j2
gg -
This is interesting... not what I expected at all. The new NS2 maps just feel much smaller in comparison. Thanks for sharing.
@vartija why?
Does not explain why I get better ping on a German server than a UK one.
Thanks! At least we have ENSL S02 to look forward to.
We all just assumed English is not the OP's native language. It's spelled that way in other languages. -
1. Increase your ping limit, you can play fine up to ~150
2. Play in modded servers; most servers now run NS2Stats and maybe DAK Admin Kit, neither of which affects gameplay. -
If you don't have an IRC client, then simply use this link:, and type .add to join a gather/pug.
in #ns2.gather new gather channel for internation gathers on Q-net Comment by semihandy February 2013