Hive teleport and Res for Kill



  • elmo9000elmo9000 Join Date: 2012-03-24 Member: 149324Members
    Its true that with the current spawn mechanics hiveteleport would be too powerful. Not a huge fan of it at the moment either. Its mainly frustrating for both teams. Like going inside the hive uncontested and then theres 5 skulks spawning at the exact same moment, all aliens spawning away from hive thats about to be attacked, all aliens spawning to a hive under grenade fire and dying at the exact same moment etc. Definitely should just finally give up on that concept and move to the more traditional spawns. I dont even know what the wavespawn tries to achieve, other than being frustrating as hell.
  • RuntehRunteh Join Date: 2010-06-26 Member: 72163Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    I don't like the idea of hive teleport either, what I do like is the idea that defensive structures like whips can be more effective.

    Currently you can run towards a whip and past it without dying, I think that whips that you run past towards a target (i.e. through the central area of the whips circular range from front to back) have the time and power to kill you.

    I like that they are killable, but the reward should be for good placement.

    I'd also like to see faster maturing, and for structure deployment to occur automatically once a unit has stopped. The only issue would be pack up time, but I think that should be near instant.
  • maD maXmaD maX Join Date: 2010-01-28 Member: 70347Members
    I think it would be cool if the teleport between hives only worked if the hives were connected by cycts.... Encourages rines to cut cyct chain and makes sense, to be transported through the network of infestation.
  • _Necro__Necro_ Join Date: 2011-02-15 Member: 81895Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    That sounds really good. But that would need an increase in cyst building time. Or the com could instantly connect them after the marines walked into the hive.
  • TechercizerTechercizer 7th Player Join Date: 2011-06-11 Member: 103832Members
    What if using the command chair while there was someone inside it teleported you to the hive that commander was in? That's about the weakest form of fast-travel I can think of; aliens deserve at least this much.
  • RuntehRunteh Join Date: 2010-06-26 Member: 72163Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited October 2012
    Give it to the shift as part of echo? Or what that get abused? :P
  • ChickenOfWarChickenOfWar Join Date: 2003-04-09 Member: 15352Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1994903:date=Oct 22 2012, 11:05 AM:name=fanatic)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (fanatic @ Oct 22 2012, 11:05 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1994903"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Hive teleport would be nice to have again, but I don't see it working at all in conjuction with wave spawn. Good luck taking down those hives with five skulks swarming you every 15 seconds...<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Haha actually if I recall fana arc took down a hive with a shottie rush in approximately 13 seconds during one of the previous tournaments. 15 seconds should be fine.
  • BacillusBacillus Join Date: 2006-11-02 Member: 58241Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1994950:date=Oct 22 2012, 04:37 PM:name=ChickenOfWar)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ChickenOfWar @ Oct 22 2012, 04:37 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1994950"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Haha actually if I recall fana arc took down a hive with a shottie rush in approximately 13 seconds during one of the previous tournaments. 15 seconds should be fine.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Fana can probably go into details if necessary, but I highly doubt the problem is about gunning down a hive in time. It's more about being able to establish your team anywhere near the hive locations when the aliens can repeatedly skulkrush your forward marines and/or base, usually from multiple possible angles. Without the hive teleport the aliens at least are either spread out or grouping up somewhat limited and predictable location.
  • TimmahIsASaintTimmahIsASaint Join Date: 2012-09-24 Member: 160678Members
    I Completely agree ! Rez for kills is NEEDED.
    Honestly if you watch the tournament matches it comes down to Aliens turtling until they get Onos. Aliens TURTLING ? That really doesn't sound like the infestation I'm familiar with. Aliens are supposed to be the mass mobile SWARM ! They are supposed to RULE the map with infestation and being hitting from all corners but instead we have Aliens that have to get an incredibly vulnerable second hive just to SURVIVE . They can get maybe 2 or 3 Rez towers depending on the harrass from Marines and then it is basically skulks running to the closest base to Marines and defending PRAYING that one marine doesn't get in there and destroy upgrades. During this yes one skulk may try and kill unprotected rez towers but it just seems so campy. Meanwhile phase gates offer marines the ability to be anywhere on the map, there bases are never exposed because they can either BEACON or just walk back through phase gates. So while Aliens are highly vulnerable, less mobile marines have a HUGE advantage. I think giving rez for kills would just hasten the pace for alien tech and getting that onos because their early game and mid game is INCREDIBLY weak. And then when FINALLY late game Onos and fades come out its somewhat even.
  • oMeoMe Join Date: 2004-02-01 Member: 25884Members
    Hive teleport -> YES
    RFK -> HELL NO
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