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  • you could boil it in beet juice, should turn it red and a bit sweet then add some wasabi paste and a pinch of ginger.
    Personally I would go for the salmon with skin then just undercook it so it keeps its texture, you can eat salmon raw btw, th…
  • Just need to build a lot of decompressing bases and make use of the seamoth or cyclops.
  • true, if the reactor exploded before getting hit and cracking the ship open.
    Anything not bolted down would have been sucked out during the crash partly in space and on the way down, it should be raining parts for years depending the gravity o…
  • more likely use them for something else like fuel or to create fertilizer :p
  • (Quote)
    You should see this one then, living glass ;)
    in The Dreaded Respawn Issue Comment by Ancolius July 2016
  • I kinda like the idea though, it should be more developed giving starting players a clue.

    Most likely you're character is an engineer working on the life-pods since he is so close to one hes the only (known) survivor and the panel gets l…
  • Get some floaters and the propulsion gun then stick them on the stalker eventually they can't dive then all you need to do is give it scrap.
    Careful you don't kill it though, shooting a couple of them can kill the stalker
  • shame, hope they fix it soon :(
  • Not exactly true, while floaters have no motion of their own they attach them self to anything moving past one that isn't sticking to anything yet hitching a ride.
    Meaning they will go anywhere till the creature dies stressed fish usually go f…
  • The crash can have many reasons, most likely some of your subnautica files are corrupt, a video driver update is required or its a problem with steam.
    I would check if you need an update if not check the integrity of the game cache.
    to a…
  • The main reason is that changing terrain causes very large savegames there are some other reasons as well mentioned in an other thread.
  • You have the normal tank, then you have the other two special tanks you need the modification station for, one is the palsteel one what is lighter and smaller then the normal and has a bit less air (last time I checked) it saves inventory space and …
  • You better hurry then, the teraformer is going to be removed in the next or the update after that one.
  • Air and space shouldn't be a problem if you use the right equipment for where you want to go to.

    Shallows just about anything will do.
    Around 100m get a speed boost and a rebreather
    Below 120 use high cap tank best is 1 or 2,…
  • Have you tried to drop them while swimming?
  • You could make it mini quests through the PDA,
    For example,

    Starting survival protocol
    The basic of survival is to have sustainable nurishment for the body and mind get accustomed to your new surroundings and locate means o…
  • For the function the medium sub is used for the Cyclops is at the moment the best choice.
    After all we use it mostly as a cargo ship and as most transports go it is storage over a slimdesign.

    Maybe we can get the other subs in an e…
  • You could just set an alarm to go off every ten minutes on your phone for example when it goes off click save or click save every time you enter your base to see if you want it.
    In my opinion autosave is one of the worst things you can do for …
  • I would say there is a reason for it, the seaglide is basicly something like a seabob and would weigh about 35Kg in real live thus would make a very weird and clumbersome animation if the swapping would have been done outside the water having to pla…
  • Excellence takes time, if you lot would know what a nightmare changing a single line of code is in a finished part one single letter or number can mess up the script of other things attached to it.
    Since it is a recharge script it would affect…
    in Honestly.. Comment by Ancolius May 2016
  • You would have a point if the game was done, there is still plenty to explore and things to come in the future.
    For example A.I. can do crazy things like rabbitray's stealling your tools.