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  • Update: I've continued to have problems with the cyclops. A couple times, I got dropped right out of the sub, which is super frustrating because the game thinks you are not in water and you end up falling a long ways potentially and not being able t…
  • I've played this whole game through a few times and never had the sliding issue until just now.
    I do think it's related to the indoor growbed. When I placed one in the middle of the ship, just in front of the decoy launcher (the only realistic…
  • (Quote)
    I'm sure you're smart enough to understand the context disparity between the two points you just illustrated.

    (a) filter is partially broken because there's not enough room to scroll.
    (b) filter is NOT completely …
  • I don't even know how to comment on that. You do realize you can choose what you scan for, yes? That is the subject of this entire thread.
  • Well for a while there, it was removing them instantly when I picked up quartz. Now, it's not. It is intermittent. Having the contacts remain is quite confusing.
  • I wonder if they've fixed the Lifepod 3 situation where there are TWO Lifepod 3's, one of which has the blueprint for the high capacity tank and one which has the compass. The communication log you get very early in the game leads you to the one wit…
    in air tanks Comment by Recon777 June 2017
  • (Quote)
    It's far from useless. The drones are useless because of the limited range. But the scan itself (chipped into your vision with the upgrade) is pretty close to being cheaty because you can just swim around finding everything (includ…
  • (Quote)
    Oh it has to be rebuilt? This was loading up an existing game from the previous version.

    But I have confirmed (in creative mode) that a newly built scanner room does not have enough space on the screen, and does not scr…
  • (Quote)
    You guys sure? Because the folks on Reddit have been saying that you can get infinite power by putting power cell chargers inside the cyclops and then use those to replace the empty ones once they are depleted. For certain with the…
  • (Quote)
    I had a seaglide fragment show up as part of that junk. Was able to scan it repeatedly, completing the requirement. This really ought to be fixed. It's been this way for ages.
  • (Quote)

    This is all we've been asking since the steering was destroyed. Driving the craft for just a moment reveals how jerky the screen gets when trying to do simple maneuvers. I've been screaming since the start tha…
  • Well, it sounds like maybe it's "better", but really, what they need to do is to LOCK the player's head to point in the direction the seamoth is facing. Unless you're using VR or something. Honestly, if you don't have a VR device, there's no reason …
  • Micro Update 67:
    "Seamoth and player turn speeds are now more consistent"

    Can anyone confirm if the steering problem is fixed??
  • (Quote)
    Why would the game break the Seamoth for everyone who does NOT use the oculus rift? Also, isn't there a separate version of the game for OR users? That makes no sense.
  • Just checking again to see if the devs have maybe acknowledged this as important to fix.
    Checked Reddit too, and people there don't like it either, but nobody has any word on if/when it might be fixed.

    in Please Change the Seamoth Steering Back Comment by Recon777 June 2016
  • It's a bit of a concern that I can't seem to find this bug in the Trello page to be fixed. Do the devs plan on finishing the game with the Seamoth in its current state? I'm really surprised that so few people are talking about this issue.
  • Well, it'd be dead easy for the devs to fix. Just put the code back to how it was in the Farming Update when the Seamoth was a dream to fly around the ocean with.

    Really, if someone has an oculus rift, just allow the head to move indepen…
  • Looking forward to the new stable version! Might start playing again if the Seamoth steering has been fixed. Anybody know if it was?
    To be clear... it was FINE in the "Farming Update". But I think it was the "Oculus Update" which broke it. The…
  • I'm very disappointed to see that the new stable update did NOT contain a fix for this very broken Seamoth steering problem. :(
  • I'm still showing the "Oculus Update" as the most recent update. Am I missing something? The game isn't any different.
  • (Quote)
    Excellent. Happy to see this is being looked into. Though I'm rather confused how anyone could have not noticed it. Surely, it's awful for everyone when trying to drive the vehicle.

    To explain what it feels like, imagin…
  • Kerbal Space Program is expected to go 64 bit with the next patch when they upgrade to the Unity 5 engine. It's been 32 bit up until this point. So yeah, people still seem to think it's a good idea for some reason. That game has proven otherwise. Th…
  • I just hope they put the Seamoth handling back to the way it was. It's a game breaker and I can't believe more people aren't making a big deal about it.
  • (Quote)
    Well I don't have an Oculus, and in the previous build, the Seamoth handled perfectly. When the new patch came out, it was horrid. Clearly, the patch is responsible.

    What worries me is that this problem is not apparentl…
  • (Quote)
    Would it be so hard to just revert the code to how it was before? After all, the game has two versions anyway, right? One for Oculus players and one for everyone else?
  • I had a reaper clipping through the seabed when I was in the Aurora fixing the radiation leaks. I came back out to where my BADLY BU…
  • I gave it a good long shot today, hoping to get used to it as well. What's the worst is trying to actually explore with the seamoth. You can't make minor adjustments to where you're looking because it constantly fights with your mouse. Moving the mo…
  • Yes. Please fix the seamoth's movement. It used to be perfect, but it's very stuttery now with the new oculus update patch. Very disappointing.