Gorges have more than enough to do already. Half of them don't even drop tunnels when they should. No reason to take stuff away from the Khamm and give it to the Gorge.
I like Docking, then maybe Tram
I find it perfectly reasonable to believe a teleporting cactus can have 9000 hours played. I don't see the problem here.
Most of the time rubber-banding is caused by high pop servers which can't handle the load when there's lots of action going on (e.g. bile bomb + grenade spamming).
I like most of the additions. The grenades are cool. The new alien abilities are cool.
I don't like the alien tech tree changes (e.g. research skulk using whip, lerk using shift, etc.) and I feel like they are destined to be changed inev… -
I'm not a comp player so take my opinion for whatever it's worth, but...
... if alien comm feels more stressful now, then it's been put more in line with marine comm, imo -
I actually like the new vortex design. It makes fades seem more like stealthy assassins, while the previous vortex was kind of an oddball ability.
I get pretty good performance with anisotropic filtering and atmospherics off. Granted, it's not as pretty, but it's at least smooth.
No. If that were the reason, then UWE would have maintained the orange/green color contrast that was present in the previous AV. They clearly removed it on purpose because they didn't want people using AV all the time. -
I agree with reducing the max to 20. I wish I could find more active servers with smaller population (or just more servers in general) but it's just not possible right now.
Flamethrower drains energy and incapacitates structures, e.g. crag. Very helpful.
Well, one way to do it is to disguise the tutorial as a mini-campaign. That would require a lot of work though.
I'm picturing some kind of electrified-net shooting hunter gun a la Jurassic park fan fic or something. Not saying it's a good idea, but it's sure fun to think about. -
Makes sense to me. I've used motion blur in YouTube videos before as well, sometimes it's necessary. For example, this video from Sonic the Hedgehog 3 uses fr… -
I actually agree that this would be cool as an option, but I dunno how practical it would be.
Are you going to pay the fee for every new player so they don't get irritated with the game and quit before becoming an active member of the community?
Pretty sure I was alien comm in that game and raged the f- out shortly before this screenshot was taken. Took down flight and hydro multiple times but no one defended it.
Actually, there is. For example, they can allow servers to report a number of open slots minus reserve slots, so that it can be filtered properly in the server browser. Or any number of other things. -
I'd recommend my mouse pad, but your requirements basically say "not that" so you probably don't want it. /shrug
Part way through the game I'll generally have six biomass and only three upgrades. I'll get tunnels, bile bomb and then rush for leap by getting 3 biomass on first hive. While that strategy works for me, I imagine someone else coul… -
This has nothing to do with paid reserve slots existing and everything to do with a poor implementation. You've failed to make a meaningful argument in favor of the current, broken system. The fact that UWE is fixing it in an upcom… -
I find hallucinations are pretty effective unless the marine comm spams scan, but they usually can't afford to.
You don't seem to be concerned about how poor the experience is for new players to this game. I understand that the current situation is probably fine for you, but I care more about the population of this game, and where it … -
The reason servers like KKG have good support is because they can afford to do it. They can afford to do it, at least in part, because they get financial support from their users. They get support from their users by, among other things, selling res…
Scrapping everything sounds like an excellent way to lose 12+ months of development time for little to no progress. The temptation to completely re-engineer something is strong, but almost always a bad idea. This is true for softwa… -
More to the point, if you drive away new players, public servers will dry up, which is bad for everyone.
Or, alternatively, petition for a more appropriate reserve slot system to be used that doesn't break the server browser.
I think I like my idea better. -
There's no doubt that we could have won with better playing, but it bothers me that a single player can dominate the others so easily. To a certain extent it's true for marines as well, but perhaps not as noticeable since you can a… -
At this point, I've memorized the slots per server (most have 2 reserved slots), but I worry that it drives away new players.
There's nothing wrong with reserved slots, just the current implementation needs to get fixed.