(Quote) They have an option to download a lossless soundtracks in flac format.
in Soundtracks in lossless format Comment by Uzver October 2013
(Quote) I tested NS2 on 32bit Win7 with modified kernel that uses a full advantages of PAE (in short you will able to use more than 4 GB of physical memory in 32 bit systems, but you can't allocate more than 4 GB per application) and anyway NS2 o…
(Quote) There is no way to disable this feature for specific program in Win8. And no way to normally disable compositions Win8. You can just do an unstable in Massive FPS loss, and Weird Mouse Movement Comment by Uzver September 2013
Same problem with integrated intel + discrete AMD.
Error messages from WerFault.exeProblem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: GLSLCompiler.exe
Application Version:
If you will get 30 FPS while nothing happens, in hot battles your FPS will drop to unplayable values. I'm sorry to say, but there is no magical ways to improve performance - you should make a hardware upgrade.
(Quote) Reboot your computer and you will lose all data.
I usually check hard drive surface with Victoria and by watching a SMART parameter as "number of reallocated bad blocks". After sufrace scan If you get a tons of very slow blocks (takes about some seconds in order to read data instead of some millis…I get the same error "because the shader wasn't available" in Windows 7. Just install DirectX 9c and problem solved.You can also play with your friends vs bots in another way. For me it's was fun to play versus a huge amount of aliens bots (with Kham) with disabled balance when joining to team and disabled auto-balance. But it's sad that the alien bot don't know …I analyzed a LUA code and did a modelling of destroying building by doing a normal 75 damage in time with a rate of fire of skulk. This a not a 100% accurate, but I tried to do my best. You can notice that in the start RT mines an one TRES in less t…(Quote)// We round it up to the nearest value thus not having weird // fracts of costs being returned which is not suppose to be // the case. local finalRecycleAmount =…
As I know the say command works only for admin.(Quote) Really I don't understand why you and IronHorse starts this topic by talking about hard coded and consistency checked stuff, when you can change these binds by editing the config file in appdata. The author of this topic will think that i…Don't listen to these guys. Just read this topic.
(Quote) Wrong. Because it's contains individual settings about your mouse sensitivity, keyboard…If you hate these font (like me), you can create a new fonts with BMFont.It's very sad that this build really doesn't existsThis reminds me a quake 1 where usual player with mouse+keyboard can with easy defeat a pro player that uses only a keyboard.(Quote) I mean that after map change your server will be read most NS2 files from RAM without using a virtual RAM disk. Why? Standby memory - it's a some sort of file caching. When programs reads a file, operation system automatically caches this…endar
But how about a standby memory? When OS read files, it put files to free RAM in order to achive an instant access. So if program read this file again, it will be read from RAM, but not from a slow disk.For server side:
It's not a bad idea to generate table of hashes once and save it to disk. And instead of reading the stuff again - just use already generated table of hashes. There is no reason to generate hashes again, again and once again i…Achievement unlocked.It's a rarely glitch that saves your PRES when you leave a server. It's should return your PRES when you rejoin to exactly same server and previous round is not over. But sometimes it's may return your saved PRES to the next round.
It's …(Quote) It's very sadly. Developers should stop using a one byte character encoding like Windows-1250, Windows-1251 and etc and should use only the Unicode. Just most developers just don't care about this because they don't get any problems with …May be it's a not a bad idea if you play with your known skilled team, but it's very risky in pub with unknown companions.Steps to reproduce this "feature":
1) Go to CC
2) Now login to CC and wait.
3) In last second of closing up CC use your rifle butt
4) logout from CC.
Now you can't shoot and reload. May be it's not a true way to reprodu…(Quote) 1) Marines can climb to the roof of the CC.
2) Commander can logout from CC.Try to set your power plan to "High Perfomance" in Windows instead of "Balanced".ironhorse
It's very sadly that it's still not fixed. This "feature" is very annoying when you play with a low resolution. Also how about correct support of console command "r_gui 0" for a commander? I mean it's should not react to UI wh…(Quote) Music files stored in the *.FSB files (stream.fsb, music.fsb and minigun.fsb). You should edit *.FSB file in order to get rid of main menu music.I need at least 40 FPS.