4 or 5 times i think, maybe less. when you die a little tooo fast, over and over. -
agreed, commanders only got worse. i've only ever gone for 'adequate' commanding. so field for me, now it's 'dear lord our commander sucks' but we're winning, because the enemy commander is even worse.
yeah, in skilled games it's more along the lines of.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, are we up are we down? i'm going for 1:1, does this mean i'm doing badly? or does it mean i'm doing good? should we be pushing o… -
god, this just makes me want to make a new account, and only play gorge on low-hive skill servers.
because fuck it. sometimes you just want to gorge. and spit at people.
the trick will be to keep it from getting over 1600 i t… -
you've never been in the situation where you seem to be the only person that seems to realize that you're losing? where you're thinking to yourself, holy shit, why aren't they pushing harder? aliens have been on 3-4 res for 5 minu… -
Well, for me it's about where my deaths happen, in my territory or theirs? If I've got a flat KD as a skulk, but it's all been pulling Marines to their natural, it's very different than having a flat KD defending my own two cents.
if aliens are winning but aren't stomping. they individually feel like they're losing.
winning a close game on alien, isn't about dying less than when you lose a close game, it's about where you're dropping your…(Quote)
we're talking obs first or arms first. in comp you can maintain arms first to rush for those upgrades while medding and ammo-ing to maintain map presence. with increasing numbers you can't well enough and your res-income suffers.…(Quote)
goddamn, it takes a gaggle of shitty field players to sink a team, but it only takes one shitty commander.
Do Not jump in the chair until you've fielded enough to know what most people are doing in there.
then kee…(Quote)
the reason why pub and pro probably need different strats is the amount of people.
if you acknowledge that wooza's strats are going to be different than 12 man game strats... then it's just a matter of degrees. i'm con…(Quote)
silence isn't just for noobs. it's for everybody and their mother.(Quote)
depends on how the "randomize the top" plays out. you're not trying to maximize the hive totals, you're just trying to get as close to parity with the right amount of players.
so sometimes you pick the shittier of the …Someone do the math, you've got 4 players 2500, 1500, alien marine or marine alien, one with 2k both and the rest between 800 to 1500, within two points. I think you can still get balanced teams by forcing the top 5 or 6 to teams strictly randomly,…(Quote)
I think what you could do is randomize top 30 percent then balance around them. So top 5 or 6 players get a random team assigned, then the rest of the server gets team balanced by alien/marine hive score to balance the teams.true enough, dabbling dabbling weekdays, but weekends go ham.(Quote)
went about what i'd expect, anybody still playing ns2, clearly has compelling reasons, was expecting more old faces though. at least in the forum.
i remember a game a long time ago, we ejected every comm until finallly there was literally nobody that could get into the chair... but yeah, it was amusing.
each comm lasted about 30 seconds. until we realized that the…yay, just played my first several games in about a year. it kinda is like riding a bike... but i started in on my 2.2k account. and not my main account.
random shuffle would not have been kind to my main account.
apparently …don't think it's like, super necessary. 3-4 servers, some of which may have a spot open.... hrmm. hard decision.(Quote)
connecting from texas.
-never had an issue with latency, except when blizzard is getting ddos-ed.
-at least right now, i've rarely, rarely been placed in the same lobby. more often than not, they can'…I will say this, it feels like, if nothing else that there's also hidden MMR for quickplay. So i notice my results increasing when playing quickmatch with less skillful friends, vs when i'm playing quickmatch alone.
the major difference…(Quote)
oh, you've probably played with me more than you realize, my name was never consistent
think i used amoral a long long time ago, was also faceButt, poop, bibidibobidiboop... and literally whatever else floated my boat t…(Quote)
... why in the hell would you want to format the image size? that's perfect as is.hah, the kind of old fogies that don't like changing their names very often apparently.
turts at least, though i think he hasn't been on in a while since season 1, said he was in a group with some of the old upper division players from n…Not really recruit/poach more see if there were people that were in both. But yeah, I didn't think the player base would drop this much after I stopped playing.
And I came here because the base was, when I left, older, dedicated and fun …(Quote) ... you know, if this is the quality of the people still left on the forums, i'm not sure if this is what i want.
ugh, just took a look at the playercount... i think this well is dry.remove it until it until it's not such a huge buff.on the bright side, it's saving me bullets, the health bars are real useful on not firing an extra couple shots into a dead sk…
side zero is not objectionable(Quote)
question, can you make the health bar appear around the crosshairs? or something like that? so players still get feedback on how much health the last hit enemy has, but can't use it to track where the enemy has gone?