I must agree to some of this, there has been a significant change from build 260 to 261 in terms of performance. Never had a problem with "lag spikes" on decent servers before 261, now nearly all seem to get the red chain from time to time. Doesn't …
I think the Cloak and Hallucination should be merged somewhat to combat the fact that the shade hive becomes useless when the marine com starts dropping observatories.
Here is how I think they should be merged.
If your team has got… -
Since you posted this I decided to make this.
Here you go, a server mod that does exactly that.
Ignore this for the time being. Somehow it works when I run it client side through console map blabla, but as soon as it is put on a … -
After some thought about it, I do support the notion of this non-linear res-system.
Cheers. Chariot -
Aww, it kinda looks smoother and more icy that I imagined in my mind :O
Hmm, this sounds more interesting now that it has been explained a little bit. I will see how the discussion about this (the res function) go in the next days. Right now I am uploading the update to the jetpacks, since I cannot do that the next thre…
This has "kinda" been talked about in another thread. The reason why I say kinda here is not exactly this solution, but some have suggested it. The … -
I LOVE this map. So pretty
Along side with Jambi this is the best community map I've seen.
Cheers. Ch… -
@IronHorse I just tested the changes you suggested to it and I must say I really love it. What I did was to increase the fuel consumption rate to 0.28 and recharge d…
Copy that. There is a couple of different ways to go about this. Lower the refuel rate (making it take longer to refuel), change it's fuel consumption (how fast it uses fuel) and/or change the "wait" time between last acceleration … -
I've personally liked the though of having Gorge Tunnels at a Biomass Req of 2. This would delay their placement by a couple of minutes and it would encourage commanders to not forget Biomass. Their price however I feel is perfect where it is.
… -
Done, the Exo Claw is more dangerous melee against low armored creatures such as the skulk now. To avoid it becomming devistating against structures I had to change the structural damage into another type.
At the moment the current two r… -
Please make them, mate.
Btw, it would be cool if one or two of the vents on spacestation was on the outside of the hull of the space station. -
So I take it with this we say, keep flamethrower as is but increase the punch damage the exo is doing?
Some information on what it is by default is handy to know.
Exo Melee Claw does 30 damage, 60 vs structures.
Armor damage … -
Yah, I see that one. That's a little bit different though, since you lose the dynamic background if you go back out into main menu.
I like the dynamicin [TRS] Direct 2 Browser Comment by catolm November 2013
You are correct there mate. Here a little bit more spesific of what it does.
In addition to removal of spores it does this.
Codeself:DoDamage(kFlamethrowerDamage, ent, ent:GetModelOrigi…I must honestly say I love the way the flamethrower works, both as a marine and alien player. That is my opinion though.
…@BeigeAlert By editing your post; Can you elaborate for which liferoms and actions/attacks you wish'ed had not require adrenaline to perform? At the moment the stre…I have made my decision regarding this. I will be developing the mod as a ObO-basis (One by One).
This means I will make one change at a time; the change will be voted upon by those who comment on this thread.
Each update will have…(Quote)
This might be a very good idea. Atleast now with the long "start" list I've apparently stirred up a lot of people, so if I change this into one change at a time and voting thingie there would actually be people to read and voted fo…(Quote)
Greetings there mate, you seem to misunderstand the meaning of the mod. Some of these changes are made because of posts I've seen on the forum and the meaning of this mod is for people to actually see those and other changes in act…(Quote)
Thank you for that input. You are very right about the gameplay impact of leap is the most important factor of all. It is the trumph factor, which is why it needs to be tested. Yes I think having a constructive ideas and testing th…@Cannon_FodderAUS Thank you for your kind words. I will take your warning about compounding issues very seriously. That can be a gamebreaker, and most things …(Quote)
The exo thing you are talking about here is what is already implemented. Slower and more sturdy exo's.
Onos Friction stuff is really more of a how it feels when it's played thing, must be tested to yay or nay itin [Mod] [TRS] Experimental Balance [Changed] Comment by catolm November 2013
Answers to your feedback (thanks for it).
. Web: Agreed.
. Leap: Ain't that early, but I see the danger of having it before 7 minutes. Leap requires leap upgrade 20 res (can be changed), and 3 biomass …@Ghosthree3 Thank you, exactly what I was going for, trying to see if I can get inputs from people and see what can be done. Never a bad thing to tryin [Mod] [TRS] Experimental Balance [Changed] Comment by catolm November 2013
Your opinions are fair enoughWhat I am thinking? No, I'm mostly trying to do something about the statistics you can see at ns…
How much FPS are you guys trying to get? I can't seem to drop below 73 fps at all and my CPU is a few years old. i7 930. graphics card isn't really that much to dance about either, a regular gtx 660. Only thing I can say that is very strong about th…Yah, I found it it was possible and rather easypeasy too. Took less time making then finding someones old work.
Cheers. Chariot