We Need Your Help
Join Date: 2002-11-24 Member: 9793Banned, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">NS Competitive scene really needs help</div> In case you haven't heard already, one of the biggest clans in NS, evolution Revolution has died, and another big clan, Exigent, is dying. This is a heavy hit to the NS community. What I, Jmmsbnd007, ask of you is quite simple. Help.
Get your friends together, and start a clan, join a clan, hang out, do whatever. NS has hundreds of thousands of players but only a handful of clans (20 some at last count, total, in CAL, and very little outside of CAL).
When you have at least 6 people in your clan, go to <a href='http://www.caleague.com/?div=natsl' target='_blank'>http://www.caleague.com/?div=natsl</a> and sign up for NS CAL. CAL (Cyberathlete Amateur League, the online and amateur version of the CPL/www.thecpl.com is where the clans go to compete, if you don't know) has 2 divisions, Omega and Gamma. Gamma are the experienced clans, and Omega are the new clans (new clans are automatically assigned to the Omega division). As I type this, there are over one thousand people playing Natural Selection, yet there are only a few clans in CAL. Start a clan, join a clan, and hang out in #findnsscrim and #nspug on irc.gamesurge.net. #findnsscrim is where you go to get a scrim (practice match against another clan), and #nspug is where you can go to start/join a PUG (Pick Up Game) which is just a 6v6 team if you're bored but sick of the unorganized nature of pubbing. I hope some of you actually read and follow this post, as the NS competitive community could really use it. Thanks for caring. <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Get your friends together, and start a clan, join a clan, hang out, do whatever. NS has hundreds of thousands of players but only a handful of clans (20 some at last count, total, in CAL, and very little outside of CAL).
When you have at least 6 people in your clan, go to <a href='http://www.caleague.com/?div=natsl' target='_blank'>http://www.caleague.com/?div=natsl</a> and sign up for NS CAL. CAL (Cyberathlete Amateur League, the online and amateur version of the CPL/www.thecpl.com is where the clans go to compete, if you don't know) has 2 divisions, Omega and Gamma. Gamma are the experienced clans, and Omega are the new clans (new clans are automatically assigned to the Omega division). As I type this, there are over one thousand people playing Natural Selection, yet there are only a few clans in CAL. Start a clan, join a clan, and hang out in #findnsscrim and #nspug on irc.gamesurge.net. #findnsscrim is where you go to get a scrim (practice match against another clan), and #nspug is where you can go to start/join a PUG (Pick Up Game) which is just a 6v6 team if you're bored but sick of the unorganized nature of pubbing. I hope some of you actually read and follow this post, as the NS competitive community could really use it. Thanks for caring. <!--emo&:(--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Start clans or burn! Clan play is much funner than pubs even if you dont have much time so try it out.
Also, if gamma teams lend out omega or new clans who arent playing yet vent channels and help em out that would be a great help too. i think oss does that with stormtroopers but im not sure
(d3stroyer ftw).
My first clan was Keep That Donkey Moving which I had joined straight off the public games, no pugs or mercing. It dramatically improved the standard of my play just to be playing in an organised team of good players and playing against good opponents.
As I was saying, KTDM was my first clan and look where that went. We started out like any other new clan but we just worked on our gameplay, not expecting instant teamwork and not giving up and we got to be one of the best clans in the world.
If you need any help with strategies, tactics or anything else feel free to PM on IRC (gamesurge and quakenet) at moomin-k^ <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I can remember in the early days of the Old Fogies competitive team (CAL-O) we got walked all over by a CAL-I team and were told at the end "You guys should quit NS because you suck"... even though we were in the top half of CAL-O. The story continues... we scrim one of the top gamma clans, and they proceed to attack each other, attack their own base, etc, and prolong the game after its already over. Guys! Have some respect for new clans! Where is the sportsmanship? The NS community is always so quick to tell everyone how different we are from the CS community, but then we get top CAL-I clans mouthing off and putting down start-ups. If you people want more clans to start up, learn to encourage and support new clans.
RIGHT: gh guys, you need to work on your hive sieging a bit though.
RIGHT: gg, good luck on next week's match!
I don't see how.
1) For as long as I've been on the forums (which isn't a huge length of time but its long enough) the biggest amount of interaction between clanners and pubbers has been the two groups ripping at each other's throats. This does not endear clanners to pubbers. Since pubbers are more likely to go clan then clanners are likely to go back to pub, you'd think the clan side would be actively encouraging pubbers to move up.
Sadly in the most publicised of threads we see clanners ripping through pubbers, pubbers strats, etc. Yes, clanners tend to have more skill, but there's nicer ways of putting that across. Its ok to say "well it'd make a nice pub strat" and then point out why it won't work in clan games... but its quite another to say "OMG another dumb pub strat".
2) In actual games you'll find the most organised griefers using clan tags. Now, TRUE OR NOT, thats what pubbers see, and correspondingly fosters discontent. Hogging the chair and only dropping stuff for your clanmates, or only attacking non-clan members, for example, will only cause pubbers to get annoyed.
NOW we're stuck with the problem of people just not wanting to join clans. There are a lot of good clans out there, there are a lot of experienced NS players, and easily 90% of clan members just want to game. However there's a small but VOCAL minority who loudly and abusively thrash pubbers. And the sad fact is that the more VOCAL minority is starting to become the majority in the mind of the pubber.
Pubbers know they're not as dedicated as some clan members... but I've been in games where tagged people have done truly stupid things but defended their actions because they're in a clan and clan play is better. This may be true, but why apply a clan strat to a pub game? Pretty dumb move. Pubbers know that they can be owned by a fade clanner.. fade clanners know they can own most pubbers... but that still doesn't stop people joining games, going fade, and romping through an entire team just for the hell of it. It unbalances the game, RUINS the fun, and the end result is a pile of hacked off players.
I love clanners, they're good marines players, they're good comms, they like to go gorge and when they fade responsibly they can add to the tension without making the game unwinnable. But thats because I realise that its a MINORITY causing problems. Not everyone thinks my way.
Things to do -
Clanners need to extend the hand to pubbers. Why? Because there are infinitely more pubber smacktards than clan ones. Clanners need to have a good public face because they are selecting the GIFTED from the SMACKTARDS. If people see clans as unsavoury types then they will NOT join. Clanners need to make the move because at the end of the day they need the pubbers to join THEM.. the pubbers don't need the clanners to join their faction.
Second, if you can't interact with pubbers and pubber strats in a polite manner, then do the smart thing and OPT OUT. Stick to passworded servers, or ones that don't take on new players. That way you can destress from clan matches but still face a high level of play.
Third, pubbers need to realise its a minority of clans who are abusive freaktrolls. This is a hard thing to do because pubbers are hard to organise. Its easy to get your clan and say "ok guys, be nice to the newbs" but its damn near impossible to get EVERY pubber and say "ok guys, clanners aren't as smacktarded as you think".
ACCEPTANCE is the issue here. If you can't accept the other side then you really shouldn't be interacting with them as a representative of your faction. This is more important for clanners because they are believed to be ORGANISED.. what one clanner comments on will be interpreted as his clan view, whereas what one pubber comments on is interpreted as one pubbers view. Its an unfair situation since it means one bad apple can ruin a clans rep, but thats the way it is folks.
linked the same way fire and ice are? the pub community despises the competitive community, and i don't blame them. we walk through their servers, strutting our e-skills and our e-gos, ruining their fun and putting them down at the same time. now why would the public community suffer from the loss of this ever so enigmatic clan community? they wouldn't, and if i know most pubbers well enough - they'd like it to happen.
frankly, i don't think the clan community is worth saving. pretty much every positive aspect of it has been sucked dry by the drama causing morons who love to plague the amped and cal forums with their clan to clan ****. sportsmanship, loyalty, fun, and all that nonsense doesn't exist anymore. clans quit for stupid reasons like losing a match to a euro pug team, and blaming it on CAL. people refuse to even say gg when they've been defeated by an "insuperior" clan. believe me, when i scrimmed with moment of impact, we got a lot of this ****. a certain unnamed person even dared to say "**** this, i can't believe we're losing to cis, you guys got lucky."
take a look over at your "community forums," <a href='http://www.ampednews.com/?page=forums&fid=15' target='_blank'>http://www.ampednews.com/?page=forums&fid=15</a> and <a href='http://forums.caleague.com/' target='_blank'>http://forums.caleague.com/</a> [natural selection]. just about half the page is filled with a bunch of stupid drama involving stupid clans with stupid people getting a stupid amount of attention. pretty freaking stupid, huh.
let's face it, the clan community is dying. what was around 40 teams at the start of the season has dropped to 30, about 10 of which scrim daily, and the rest just spend their days wondering where the ice cream is. the funniest thing is, a good 90% of the natural selection community just doesn't care.
so there. you're wrong vinin. if anything, the pub community will grow with the death of the clan community. i'm sorry you won't get a chance to knife me as fade again.
I like the words about helping other clans though, this is something that BS did for clans like ycsp. If you see some one with some skill in the readyroom bored, ask them if they wanna learn to bunny hop and teach them...this game gets a lot better when you help people, even if it makes it harder for you.
I feel some pain for thoes that disbanded tonight, but it happens. However I hope that thoes people will continue wearing their clan tags.
it's a really good opportunity to try playing a different way. i think if more people will try it, more people will find out they like it. you have to give it a chance first though!
to those of you who have tried it before and didn't like it, got insulted, or what have you, i have informed all of the ops of a new rule: don't harass players who you think are "less experienced" than you, or be banned systemwide. this rule will be vehemently enforced. if you don't think you "have what it takes", come try anyways. you just may, and if people give you flak about it, they will be dealt with very quickly.
there is a small faq in the information forum at www.nspug.com, and most people in the channel will be happy to answer questions you have about gameplay, how the bot works, where the servers are located, etc.
i <b>really</b> think that getting people involved in pick up games could help to give clanplay the kick in the **** it needs. come give it a try, you don't have anything to lose.
I know, misinformation on my part, but the rest still is true...
And if you've never pugged before, it is so much different (and much more fun) than pubbing.
I dont think I've ever seen a cal-gamma clan stop and give suggestions or congraduate the other team for a game. It is just GG and its over. Systemshock's first DOD match pretty much ended with a awesome guy pm me and telling me that we played a great game. After much conversation, he mentioned to us new places to hid and ways to improve and offered to scrim with us in the future. If I ever saw a gamma clan do that to a open team I would be impressed but it NEVER happens. This community has a few nice people but most of them are selfish ****.
In over a year of scrimming I think evil and rp for alittle bit are the only clans to ever ask how they can get better.
That said it's kind of rediculous to blame **** for people not forming clans. If someone wants to be as good as they can be at this game they will form or join a clan. If someone finds teamwork more fun than fps they will join a clan.
If they don't well hopefully they have fun pubbing.
In over a year of scrimming I think evil and rp for alittle bit are the only clans to ever ask how they can get better.
That said it's kind of rediculous to blame **** for people not forming clans. If someone wants to be as good as they can be at this game they will form or join a clan. If someone finds teamwork more fun than fps they will join a clan.
If they don't well hopefully they have fun pubbing. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
They shouldn't need to ask you. Making this community a nice community means going to them and being friendly and stuff.
Secondly, I think its pretty ridiculous to as on the ns.org forums about joining a clan because most people who pub do not read the forums. The most active posters in ns.org are mostly in clans already.
Anyways, why don't some of us actually offer help here. I'll start.
I would be willing to let other new clans use my server for scrims (as long as I didn't have to fight for a time slot on it). Sphere would also scrim any clan wanting to, and we would be nice and tell you the basic strat we used and if we saw anything they did wrong. We are not the best, but we live for the scrims and matchs and the only time you would ever find us pubbing is if we didn't have enough on to scrim(it truly is alot more fun). Plus you make great friends in your clan and with the rest of the clan community.
If you want our help, come visit our forums in my sig, or stop by #sphere-ns on irc.
Other clans should also post their info if they want to help out.
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If the clan scene improves so should things like this.