I like the first suggestiont too.
And slow down the movement reduction.
Railgun is supposed to be "agile" "fast" with a good burst anti-lifeform(skullk/lerk/fade)" Right ?
That's unfair !
we all know that Euro truck Simulator is better in many ways !
Ns2<EUS2 -
I dont like the Idea.
So you can throw your marine in the ennemy hive without problem ? Just build the power node ?
SO Its seems very frustating for the Alien teams. And Unfair. You cant destroy a "pre-build 99% p… -
No good game for me, Its a nighmare.
Before, the lvl wasnt great but now =,=
yeah, they are rookie and I understand but I cant enjoy at all.
If Im not commander, i got too much kill, its not funny. Too easy. This is mad… -
I dont think we need gas masks.
We already have fm against lerks gas.
Poor lerks, they have problem in late game and if we adds this...x_x -
Not the problem. They can command.
I try to help them (Im bad in english) but steal the commander chair while I (or someone else) is commanding/building, I dissaprove.
Too much Rookies.
Impossible to play.
8vs8 server (no rookies friendly). 14 rookies /o/
When I comm… -
It would be funny if we could go out the Exo ?
So we can repair the exo/powernode or build.
lerk witouth cara has 225 hp (125+50armor)
Full blast sg wp0 =170 (10 bullet) damages
Each wp upgrade add 17 damages.
So wp1=170+17=187
So, you technically cant os t… -
Nop, 20 armor boost (temporary) for 3 res is expensive and useless.
Med Pack heal 50 hp, no cd, 1 res
Your nano shield gives 20 armor so 40 hp, with cd for 3 res ? x_x
Maybe nanoshield is too strong bu… -
Nop between 2 and 3
Marines have 160 hp (100 and 30 armor)
2 perfect bite=150+para=160 damages
Marines a1 have 200 hp so he needs 3 bite. -
Imo, Armor 1 is necessary against a fade.
You cant let a such a great advantage to the ennemy.
Be 2 shot by a fade, if the fade isnt terrybad/stupid, he will go on killing spree and wipe out the entire team (with his team).... I prefer w… -
Can we get sub eng ?
The intervieuw sound interesting but I have some difficult to understand :x
Yeah, its very interesting
Ty for the linksin Need some information/guide/other Comment by Ike March 2013
Thank you for your response^^
I will search on youtube. I was just wondering if the Marine could instant-death the hive/alien base with a good Diversion.
Max damage, sg is better.
Railgun isnt affected by weapons upgrade.
(Quote) Charged railgun doesnt 1 shot a Lerk without cara.
Lerk has 225/275hp and the railgun does 200 damage.
And if I watch my data for the sg. 10 bullet, 17 damage=> total damage= 170*1.3 (w3)=221 damage so, technica…