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  • (Quote)
    A marine commander who use them to much is also a bad commander. Who have not seen tons of wastet ammo/medrops because the situation is decided anyways? To pump meds/shield into a lmg-marine who is atacked by fade, lerk and a skulk…
  • SO much bull****-talking in one thread,wow. Its simply not true that rines spend more res on support.

    Active supportabillitys:

    rines :

    medpacks 1 res
    ammopack 1
    scan 3
    power surge 5
  • (Quote)
    In 620 h of gametime I never saw or heard about a "Xeno-rush" lol.
    in Biomass Comment by Mr.Greedy July 2013
  • (Quote)
    3 extra biomass costs 80 res (hive 40 res + 2 * 20 res upgrade) Fade gets 30 extra hp and Onos 150 ( + 10 and + 50 per level). Thats nearly the same amount of carapace. One more biomass-up and it IS even. Biomass just sucks for gor…
    in Biomass Comment by Mr.Greedy July 2013
  • (Quote)
    I think thats the point. Carapace cannot be strong like in old days in reason of biomass. It feels like they have just split the extra HP/Armor u can gain between biomass and carapace. No wonder that carapace is so low.

  • (Quote)
    Of course its possible. Even when carapace gives just 1 extra armor. That 1 armor CAN and WILL probably save a life ;) in No good reason to choose crag as first or second hive Comment by Mr.Greedy June 2013
  • (Quote)
    + 25 Armor.

    Crag is still good in 250 for skulks but sucks hard for higher lifeforms. I am preferring shade first, shift second.

  • I think some people have a very bad sense of time when they read datas like that. Even when u are just "near half hp" -> 30 seconds of waiting without doing anything is incredible long for a videogame like NS2. Just take a clock and start countin…
  • Phantom. Most marines still dont sneak , so its enough for me to spot the enemys through the wall by simply hearing them.

    But I wish that aura-effect would be on a shade to spot enemys from a far distance and see them on the minimap( lik…
  • It doesent matter if some changes are good for balance or not. Some of them are just annoying and makes me rage about this game. Like an armory that doesnt heal armor. I have noticed that it is sometimes a very time-intensive action if u try to get …
  • The power auf a shotgun cant stop an alien(unless when its dead ^^ ), why in hell a piece of modern plastic should do that?
  • There are 2 kinds of people out there:

    1. "I dont give a s**t about score"

    2. " Scoresystem isnt fair/efficient/whatever"

    = Scoresystem have to be changed and everyone is happy :>.

    I dont get why U…
  • "*breathing in* *breathing out* *breathing in* *breathing out* *breathing in* *breathing out* *Buuuuuurps*"

    " James, dinner time. James? JAAAAAMES!!!"

    *Russian tv show in background*

    * some guy who have to comment…
  • Seriously. What did u expect? To say "I am a cheater" in a gamer-community is like saying "I have rape some childrens" in a prison. Not a smart move. Both "communitys" arent amused of your confession and gonna hate you. But u say u dont care of it. …
  • (Quote)
    You are wrong. The second Vid shows much that he is using an aimbot. U can see that this aimbot is working through the wall. It looks like that this aimbot is continuously tracing the enemy, doesent matter if the victim is v…

  • (Quote)
    I have never seen someone cheating before, I guess ( 450 hours). But this guy in the vid looks very strange. He is perfectly aiming threw the walls, best to see @ 0:51 and 1:01-1:15

  • We are talking about that several times and nothing have changed. Score-system still stucks and is getting no love from UWE. The new big hit is that u get 5 points to build up one babbler egg and from time to time 2 additional points for healing tho…
  • @ Strofix. : sure, sure. What about the aliens on your "pro"-server. Are they all retarded or cannot aim and ambush? It just sounds like there is a 90 % win-rate for marines.
  • It sounds strange but a PG is a kind of dmg/armor upgrade. U can avoid that time-eating walk from terminal to departures and bring your dmg much earlier to the enemy. All those time-expensive actions are less dmg to your enemy + a way less wall of h…
  • (Quote)
    What we are talking about? Public? How can u know everyone of an 18 slot public server.

    edit: I was indicating with my last post that PG is the better upgrade.
    Overall I am also saying that "Different tactics and…
  • Some people arent able to click very fast and aim. So it is a kind of skill. To avoiding that with a script is cheating in my eyes.
  • Early game skulk got 70 hp + 10 armor = 90 hp.
    W0 do 10 dmg per bullet. So it needs 9 bullets to kill a skulk (maybe 10 if that skulk regen 1 hp in that short duration)
    W1 do 11 dmg per bullet. So it needs...well, still 9 bullets to kill…
  • Lots of people saying : "it works when marines are smart, organized/competent/badass/whatever enough."
    Well, if your team is good enough it doesent matter if u go pg or armslab first, right? So ask yourself which tech is better.
  • (Quote)
    "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana

    So true in many ways.

  • (Quote)
    Wow, you will need a lot of obs/scans then. Byebye armor/damage - upgrade. We had a good time.

    And there is still "silence" for mid/lategame.

  • (Quote)
    That indicates that you are going crag @ third hive. Or are u meaning that if u get shade first u are unable to secure a second hive?

  • (Quote)
    Why? U want to come close to meelerange as a skulk, right? Camo do that and you'll not lost any HP. Which other upgrade can do that for u? If u can aim with your skulk-bite , you will win any singel fight . Your first hit is for "…
  • Camo is the most effective upgrade in early game. The problem is that most people are not wise enough how to use it. And what they cant figured out that "suxxx" :>

  • (Quote)
    Its very situational. Shade is still valuable in middle/late-game on open fields. Most people underrated an Onos with silence. Its the way better upgrade to come close to a marine because every marine is prepared where the lou…
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