There isn't a "juvenile Dragons" in the road map,but a "juvenile sea emperor", a babys emperor...infact in the road map there's a task of "hatching sea emperor eggs"
Nice Job!
Repairing the ship you will discover a new area of the aurora, where you can found the exosuit fragment, that have an important role in the story of the game.
This new area is a work in progress, for now is not implemented in to the game -
I think these Ending are both awesome,maybe there will be both in the game,perhaps will be the result of different chose of the player in game
I think it will be great for a very long jorney
I agree with bullvayne
i think the devs will make something like what you said,like a list of the thing you need to take for build something but that are in your shopping list
in Notes Comment by Natan378 November 2015
I want a new subs,but i think that all the things you write are very good ideas...for the hibrid across seamoth and seaglide,there's a concept art of ''cave thing''that show a sub/robot like what you write...
Yes,i agreee with you..I build a cstle of ideas that are all mistakes xD
Yes,i alredy see this sketch...i think, looking better the sketch ,we are in the ''second stage'',infact if you see there are two subs:one should be the seamoth and one bigger than the first should be the cyclops...but there are another sub,which sh…
ok,thanks for the informations!
In effect there is a picture of the devs that show an alien idea in very very deep cave...but i hope there aren't in the future,becouse i think this will damage the game's atmosphere,maybe can will be a single sentients creatures(like the warper)but…I absolutely agreed with LordDerp,intelligence creatures maybe warper/sea emperor i believe, but not a lot of creatures which live in village... this isn't minecraft,is subnauticaI'm definitly not an expert of PC... excuse me Alex for my bad adviceI'm not an expert but i think the game run perfectly in your pc...maybe you can have the graphics settings hight
I think the devs are just thinking about this( see that more are that deep more are the different submarines)
I think it will be in the Aurora,but i agree that this will be amazing in a huge base in the future deeper biome!
I think the multiplayer shouldn't be in the game.
The devs create subnautica as a co-op and in the future the game will be a co-op,not multiplayer... no server ,no password for vehicles and not an infinite terrain as minecraft.