@Voxel ah, thanks! I wash it every day : )
(sorry) -
I apologize for "clogging" it up with HUD icons (got used to using steam overlay for screenshots)
Just wanted to capture that "they cut off the power" claustrophobic feel in my sub's "cellar" : )in Screenshot Contest!!! (RESULTS) Comment by matrixdll March 2018
(Quote) That's great news! The voting system is actually useful now.
Do you think it would be a good idea to promote the link to the time capsule voting page in a dedicated pinned discussion thread on Steam:
in Time Capsule voting Comment by matrixdll March 2018 -
Yay, but ONLY in case if it speaks to you about some ancient guardian of all life forms right before going into eternal slumber among the icy waters of Antarctica (I highly doubt anybody would get the reference here, but it still MUST be placed here)
Yes! I'm getting sick and tired of manually asking the studios EVERY TIME to release their masterpiece albums on a wax cylinder
(Quote) just use filmic color grading - several players reported this one to be horrific!
That's still less predictable than rather just gathering the set of plants, mentioned on a wiki-page.
I mean, there's a designer's struggle, mentioned by Cory on the game's launch interview (or was it the Rockpapershotgun one?), to add more pu… -
I'm just gonna drop here a few examples of an intense weather change, properly done in an indie-game
in Weather? Comment by matrixdll February 2018
I'll give it that - at least the "Leviathan" track from Subnautica OST resembles something from early Juno Reactor collection! -
That's good news - now the only thing left to apply is to hide already voted ones.
By "better after-voting feedback" I presume it's implied that the page shows whether user has up- or downvoted the capsule, but problem is - it resets whenever … -
It's always an option that she was the one to force-open a randomly found sea emperor's egg and chew on raw viscera of baby emperor (that's a nasty image, for sure, but not the one completely out of her picture)
I even wrote … -
30k saved clicks per user sounds not bad - cheers!
Makes perfect sense.
@AceDude , please have faith in players - make sure the voting system works in a way, so that the players vote yes/no per c… -
(Quote) Sorry for not helping with the case, but it's ironic to hear that OpenGL rendering shows worse performance, when considering the industry benchmarks in micro-tasks (e.g. rendering x-amount of randomly generated particles etc.) those API a…
My goodness - so there was a way to enable exclusive fullscreen mode all that time!
Is this a common Windows command? Does it work on other Steam/Windows games?
Also, big thanks for the tip : ) -
@fenymak , да вот тянул резину до официального выхода : )
На самом деле, в русском переводе нет ничего критически страшного - игрокам всё понятно и аудиологи нап… -
Да, кстати - касаемо завуалированной фразы:
My obligations as acting commander don't turn on their convenience. Get out of the water.
Если заменить "on their convenience" на менее британизированную и более глобально используе… -
Эмалит звучит хорошо и крепко (а то, что это - стекло, только более крепкое, игрокам понятно из описания материала)
@Aqel "Бронестекло" - почти идеально, если б не общее антимилитаристское послание игры.
Как насчет "Прочное стекло"?
Каракатица - Cuttlefish (Cuddle fis… -
(Quote) По-моему, текущая "Ласка" звучит здорово и вполне уместно.
Привет всем.
Жутко понравилась игра, только вот долго тянул с ней (ждал выхода в 1.0)
Интереса ради просмотрел русский перевод в игре и хотел предложить не… -
I usually stay away from such discussions, but it is a very unusual game and, understanding that this post will bite me in the ass soon enough, I still feel some points need to be made.
To anyone who cares about the subject: it is unfort… -
Agree with everything said against current preliminary user-voting queue not working. Either "Steam discovery"-style queue or showing capsules at random to vote yes/no and never coming back to them would work.
Do you think putting rare r… -
I've always been thinking of GOG as a perfect platform for everybody to re-release their game on once the sales stagnate (like, even AAA-publishers can afford themselves to sell their game DRM-free 1, 2, 3-5 years later after initial release - that …
I mean, lore-wise that's basically what already happens with metal salvage when fabricator works its magic on it and it's a generally positive message for everybody - "Recycle useless stuff!"
So, a dedicated "Recycle" button/branch in Fabricat… -
Yup, went on to play 1.0 for a first time - lost 5 hours of gameplay to the "damaged save file" curse. Started to backup the save folder like crazy after that and felt a little bit safer after that.
Rain would be a lovely thing to see in Subnautica (or that infamous storm from Degasi audiologs).
I keep coming back to Solus Project because it has the best in entire market storms and full-sized hurricanes! (in fact, I don't remember any oth… -
I guess that's not much of an "Early Access" feedback, but I'm not sure where to ask this (also I don't have rights to create a dedicated topic, so pardon me for breaking any rule)
Can I edit the location for "SNAppData" folder to place …